If you own a business owing 941 tax debt, 940 debts, or 1120 debt, Kutler Tax Resolution will review your financial statement to see if you qualify for savings. We are able to restructure your business to give you both a fresh start, and a head start on the road to recovery. Do not attempt to restructure your business on your own as it will not be an easy feat. There are many complicated factors that must be taken into account before looking at a new business venture, especially when dealing with the IRS or State taxing authorities, and more importantly the tax liens.
First Kutler will take a look at the structure of your entity itself. We also take a look at the 1120 tax return to find out what the business has in the way of assets, liabilities, net operating losses, etc. We would then take a look at ownership, the type of business you run, the business name, etc. to find out if there are any other specifics necessary to get the new business off the ground. Once we have the new business set up for you, Kutler will look to assist you and the IRS with the transition.
Secondly we will look to assist you personally with any representation stemming from the business debts. Kutler Tax Resolution will assist you with the closure of the business, final financial statements, etc., to show the IRS you are no longer in business. Lastly, we will look to assist you with the process from start to finish so you don’t have to deal with the taxing authorities directly. Let Kutler Tax Resolution offer you a consultation to see if you qualify.